If you have been searching online for how to sell a house with unpermitted work in Colorado then you are in the right place. It doesn’t matter if you are lacking permits for additions, bathrooms, or other space add-ons that were performed without the proper paperwork from your local building department. Our company works closely with the building department on a regular basis, and we are able to buy houses that had work performed without permits and get those reopened under our companies name, then reinspected and passed so that they can then be resold on the open market for a medium markup. This is a win-win situation, you are benefiting because you are unloading a house that cannot be sold using the traditional realtor angle, and we are getting a house at a discount that we can then fix up, get reinspected by the local building department, and then turn a profit on down the road when it’s finally resold.
Our professional home purchasing program is a great fit for people who are fed up with dealing with permit violations and simply want to sell their home today without having to deal with the headaches that come along with this process.
The First Step To Selling Your Home With Permit Violations
The very first thing that you should do in order to sell your home with permit violations is call us to get a free consultation with one of our home purchasing specialists. This way we can analyze your situation to determine what the best course of action is, and what steps must be taken on our end in order to purchase the home from you. You can get in touch with our team at any time via call or text at (719) 286-0053 or you can also contact us using the live chat box in the lower right-hand corner of the screen. Our live representatives will then ask you a series of questions to determine if your property and situation could be a good fit for our home purchasing program.
The next step will be to send one of our inspectors out to take a look at your property, take pictures, and estimate the repair costs and then we will finally make you a verbal or written offer. You can then take as much time as needed to think it over or discuss it with family, and then get back to us to let us know your decision. If you decide that you would like to move forward, then the next step will be to sign the contracts and set a closing date, then the title company will do a title search to make sure that comes up clean, and then we will wire in the funds, close out the transaction, and you will walk away with your check. It’s that easy!
No real estate agent, no complex process, no fees, no closing costs, no stress! Please give us a call or text right now at (719) 286-0053 for a free consultation today to see how we might be able to assist you in your current situation.
Top Reasons To Sell Your Permit Violated House To An Investor
- Fair cash offers. We use a formula to determine the maximum dollar amount that we can pay for your house while effectively managing our risk and ensuring that we lock in some profit. We are in this to make money, but only if we can find a win-win solution for our clients where everyone in the equation benefits. After all, what would be the point of selling your house if you didn’t benefit in some way, shape, or form?
- No closing costs. Unlike a lot of our home buying competitors, we cover 100% of the closing costs for every single real estate transaction that we participate in. Our philosophy is simple: since we are going to make money off of the purchase of your home (hopefully) then we feel that it’s only right that we cover all of the up-front, out-of-pocket expenses. So that is exactly what we do.
- We can bring unpermitted work into compliance. Since we are professional investors and home redevelopers, we have a close relationship with the local building department, and we are usually able to bring all past unpermitted work into compliance. Sometimes we will have to undo some of the work, but usually, we can get most small issues reinspected without a problem. The point is that you will no longer have to worry about getting the work inspected because the property will be out of your hands once and for all!
If your home has an existing mortgage then you can read more in this article about how to sell a home with an existing mortgage in Colorado
“As-Built” Permits Can Bring Past Unpermitted Work Into Compliance
In most locations, “As-Built” permits can be obtained for work that was done in the past. There is no statute of limitations on building permits. There are no grandfather clauses. “As-Built” permits are a way of bringing properties that have unpermitted work into compliance. An “As-Built Certification of Observable Compliance”, may be issued. To obtain a regular, “Certificate of Occupancy”, all hidden work might be required to be revealed for inspection. Since our company has a close relationship with the regional building department, we are able to get these permits easily, and we can bring all unpermitted work into compliance usually within a month or so from the purchase date, at which time we will finish rehabbing the home, and then list it on the open market and begin showing it to prospective buyers.
We are professional real estate investors and homebuyers that specialize in finding alternative, unique solutions to complex real estate problems, and we are dedicated to helping our clients move properties that otherwise would be extremely difficult to sell, and we also specialize in moving those properties quickly without delay. Feel free to fill out the form below, contact us using the live chat box in the lower right-hand corner of the screen, or simply give us a text or call right now at (719) 286-0053 and one of our live representatives will assist you.
Get A Risk-Free, Fair Cash Offer On Your Permit Violation House Today!
If you are interested in our professional home buying program, and you are ready to take the next step and at least see how our process works and what type of an offer you will get, then please fill out the form below, or give us a call or text right now at (719) 286-0053 to speak with one of our live representatives who will go over exactly how the home buying process works and will be able to answer any questions you have about it. You can also get in touch with us using the live chat box in the lower right-hand corner of the screen.
Our team has worked with literally hundreds or even thousands of sellers in the Colorado marketplace, and we look forward to serving you next! Our company mission is to provide the most efficient home buying service in all of Colorado, and we aim to prove that to our clients by meeting their needs and exceeding their expectations during each and every single real estate transaction that we have the pleasure of being a part of.
Call Us Now at (719) 286-0053 or fill out the quick form below to get started.
We’ll Make You An Offer Within 24 Hours.
You Decide If It’s A Fit or Not. It’s That Easy And Stress-Free
Fill out the quick form below to get an offer on your house TODAY!