If you are one of these frustrated sellers, do not despair. You may have a new option that can help you save your home from foreclosure or even abandon it to the bank without losing a lifetime of sweat equity anyway.
What is this option? It’s called “Short Selling”. In this article, we will tell you all about short selling in Colorado Springs and how it can help homeowners like you overcome their current financial challenges by avoiding foreclosure!
First of all, let us explain exactly what short selling is and how it works. When a property owner wants to sell his house but owes more than its market value at the present time (which is often the situation for owners who are facing foreclosure), he needs to find a buyer willing to accept less.
Instead of using conventional means, such as listing your home with an agent who will likely overestimate its value in order to win the exclusive right to sell it, approach things from another angle. Instead of asking others what you should do—a question that only complicates decision-making when someone else is involved (and who wants to ask their friend or relative for tough advice anyway?)—do something radical and put yourself first. First, identify exactly how much you want for your Colorado Springs home.
Fair Prices
We can do this by inserting your home into the Multiple Listing Service using our “Just Sold” database of recent sales in your area, but you don’t have to list with us! You are welcome to list with any agents you choose or sell to other buyers directly without a listing at all. HBR Colorado is just one of many choices available for selling your property fast in Colorado Springs.
How much is your Colorado Springs home worth? Fill out the information below to get a free, no-obligation estimate of how much we can pay you for your house.
Before you sell your house contact us today! It’s easy for us to give you a fair offer and when it doesn’t work out, that’s okay too. We are not committed in any way until we make an offer and sign our contract with you. When the time comes, if HBR Colorado selling process is simple. It’s dramatically different than the process you’ve experienced with a real estate agent while being much more pleasant and convenient for you.
There are 4 easy steps: You contact one of the professional HBR Colorado buyers to set up a meeting where he or she will come to your home, listen to your concerns, tell you about our buying program and answer all of your questions. The HBR Colorado buyer then presents an offer on your property that is based on market conditions in your neighborhood. If you accept this offer, the legal paperwork is handled by the County Clerk. You meet with local contractors (if needed), move out of the house, and prepare for closing once it has been funded.
Our Company Will Buy Your House Today
We will buy any houses in Colorado Springs in one week flat and we will cover all costs at the closing table with the title company so you won’t have to pay anything out of pocket. We are professional home buyers that operate with a strict code of honor and ethics and we will never make you do something that you are uncomfortable with.