5 Things To Know About Selling Your Vacant Land In Colorado Springs

Buying and selling vacant land is usually a specialized facet of the real estate market. If you own vacant land or are thinking about owning vacant land, here are five things to know about selling your vacant land in Colorado Springs. Market is Less Active The first thing you need to understand about selling your … Continued

5 Things You Can Do To Sell Your Attached House In Colorado Springs

An attached house in Colorado Springs is a dwelling that shares a common wall or walls with another dwelling. These are most commonly duplexes and townhouses, but can also be other multi-family dwellings with a higher number of units. If you’re ready to sell, here are five things you can do to sell your attached … Continued

5 Tips For Selling Your Unwanted Multi-Family Property In Colorado Springs

Thinking about selling your multi-family property? You might want to prepare your property for sale for a better chance at a quick sale at a higher price. There are five tips for selling your unwanted multi-family property in Colorado Springs: update the parking area, add more curb appeal, update the common areas, keep the doors … Continued

How To Sell Your House Without Agent Commissions In Colorado Springs

Selling your house without agent commissions can help you save thousands of dollars. Learn more about how easy it is to sell without a Colorado Springs real estate agent in our latest post!  If you want to sell your house in Colorado Springs without any agent commissions, there are two main options you can choose … Continued

5 Ways To Avoid Foreclosure In Colorado Springs

If foreclosure is looming over you like a black cloud on a sunny day, don’t ignore the rain. Open the letters your lender is sending you and see where you are at in the process. Make sure you find your mortgage documents and read them thoroughly to know what to expect when you don’t make … Continued
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